Is It True That Snacking At Night Can Cause Obesity?

Sometimes hunger appears unbearable and makes us snack at night. But there are plenty of caveats that say: late night snacking is the fastest way to gain weight, insomnia and poor eating habits.

Is this really bad for our body? Or does it bring benefits?

A study published in the journal Obesity in 2013 found that volunteers in a laboratory experiment for two weeks experienced extreme hunger at night, regardless of when they woke up, how much they ate during the day and when they last ate.

Or if you’re on a diet, suppressing the urge to eat throughout the day can also cause hunger that interferes with sleep. However, is this snacking habit a bad thing to do?

Is this a bad habit?

According to a Danish study, eating late at night can lead to various health problems, one of the worst being throat cancer. Other studies have shown that calories consumed late at night are more likely to be stored as fat.

You may often hear that eating or snacking should be stopped by 6 or 7 pm. In fact, dinner at 6 o’clock is allowed if you go to bed at 10 o’clock at night.

On the other hand, if you’re used to being up until 1 p.m., eating after 6 p.m. is a really big trap. Trust me, in the middle of the night you will feel hungry.

It’s best to finish your dinner two hours before bedtime. Or you should not consume too many calories throughout the day and avoid cream and sugar for your breakfast, so that the habit of snacking in the middle of the night can be reduced or even disappeared.

Is late night snacking really that bad?

That said, late-night snacking can lead to more ailments, not just weight gain, says Cara Walsh, a dietitian at the Medifast Weight Control Centers of California. According to a study in Denmark, eating late at night can also cause various health problems such as stomach acid. Worst of all, it can cause esophageal cancer.

Other studies have also shown that calories that enter the body late at night tend to be stored as fat. Maybe that’s why midnight snacking can lead to obesity.

The key, change the time of snacking

So, how do we stop eating when we should be sleeping? Tehzeeb Lalani, owner of a nutrition counseling center called Scale Beyond Size, says we should write about our lifestyle and eat accordingly.

“We often hear that we shouldn’t eat after 6 or 7 p.m. But what that phrase means is lifestyle adjustments,” says Lalani.

“Dinner at 6 pm is not a problem for people who go to bed at 10 pm. But it is a trap for people who are still up at 1 pm. In the middle of the night, you will feel very hungry and open the refrigerator to add calories,” he added. “It’s better to have dinner at least two hours before bedtime for good digestion.”

Good snack to eat at night

If you can’t sleep before snacking, almost all dietitians have a solution. They recommend eating foods that are 150-200 calories and high in protein. As much as possible you look for ways to reduce calorie intake during the day.

A good snack to eat at midnight is a snack with a mixture of complex carbohydrates and protein such as Greek yogurt with added berries or a slice of whole grain bread with peanut butter. Avoid foods that are too fatty, spicy, sweet, or sour, as well as those that contain caffeine or alcohol because they can cause indigestion.

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